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    Employment in Mexico

    Federal Labor Law

    If you are a foreign worker in Mexico, you may find some of the laws and practices to be different from those in your home country. Mexico has strong laws protecting its workers.

    In Mexico, Federal Labor Law regulates labor relations, labor unions and labor courts (Labor courts are all part of the Board of Conciliation and Arbitration). The law establishes basic rules such as minimum wage, the length of the work week, length of work days, overtime, etc. The law is Federal, but it is enforced in some cases by state officials.

    Article 123 of Mexico´s Constitution guarantees worker rights as constitutional rights, and according to this law, every worker has, among others, the right to a safe workplace, the right to equal pay for equal work, the right to indemnity if he or she is hurt on the job, and the right to be free from forced labor.

    There is a single court in every state that deals with most labor and employment disputes, including collective labor relations, unjustified terminations, on-the-job injuries and equal pay problems. Each court is called Junta de Conciliación y Arbitraje (Conciliation and Arbitration Board). There are also labor inspectors in Mexico who inspect the workplace to ensure that employers follow occupational safety and health requirements, as well as other standards and laws.

    If you will be hiring employees or are considering getting a job in Mexico, the following concepts are important to understand:


    Elements of Labor Law

    Minimum wage (Salarios Mínimos): There is a published listing in Mexico of minimum wages for general and specific categories of work. The minimum wage varies depending on the economic region of the country. Mexico is divided into three general zones: A, B and C. Each city or geographic area fits into one of these three categories. For example, Mexico City is included in Zone A, the city of Monterrey is included in Zone B and the state of Yucatan is included in Zone C.

    The Work Week (Semana Laboral): An employee can work a maximum of 48 hours per week without being paid overtime.

    The Work Day (Jornada Laboral): For every 6 days of work (Monday through Saturday), employees are entitled to one day of rest with full pay. Therefore, when you hire a full time employee, you will be paying them for 7 days per week, not 6 days. When hiring in Mexico and deciding on a salary, it is important to keep in mind that you are hiring per week and not per day.

    Work Shifts (Turnos): There are 3 work shifts in a Mexican work day:

    • Day shift (eight hours)
    • Night shift (seven hours)
    • Mixed shift (7 1/2 hours). (The mixed shift is part day shift and part night shift.)

    The hours worked that exceed these limits are considered to be overtime and must be paid as such. Overtime hours are to be paid double the hourly rate and cannot go over 9 hours per week.

    Sunday Bonuses (Prima dominical): The preferred day of rest in Mexico is Sunday. Workers that are required to work on Sundays by law must receive a 25% bonus over their ordinary wage for that day.

    Overtime (Horas Extras): Overtime hours (those hours over and above normal working shift hours) must be paid double. Hours worked over the allotted 9 overtime hours per week must be paid at triple the normal hourly wage. If the overtime hours fall on a holiday, they are to be paid at triple the hourly wage, even if they fall within the allowed nine overtime hours per week.

    Salary (Salario): The law determines a minimum daily wage for every category of services in any given geographical area. The law also declares a minimum salary for each category of work, as well as a minimum increase after an annual salary review. Salaries vary depending of the type of work and the area of expertise. As anywhere, minimum salaries are not always a good reference when hiring specialized workers and should be taken as a rule of thumb and a number which the employer must not go below.


    Additional Information

    These are just a few of the laws and rules that any employee or employer in Mexico must be familiar with. If this subject is of interest to you, we encourage to learn more in our YES Employment Guide, downloadable in our Knowledge Store. The YES Employment Guide includes all the important aspects of employment in Mexico, both for a business and corporation AND for personal help such as housekeepers or albañiles. The YES Employment Guide covers the issues of hiring and firing employees, where to advertise for workers, what actions are valid justification for firing, acceptable firing practices, customs and laws for household help, and much more.

    For more personalized information or for legal or other types of assistance in any of these matters, please contact us at info@yucatanyes.com.

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      April 29, 2010

      I’m a pharmacist in the USA and want to work in a hospital pharmacy in Merida or directly north, if there is one. How can I find more info about my opportunity there if I become a permanent resident? Thank you if you can give me any leads.

    2. April 30, 2010

      Hi Jeff, there is a growing expat community in the Yucatan, and many entrepreneurial opportunities. You might consider starting a business that consults with, buys and delivers medication to retirees here. Maybe even a whole in-home care support business, employing a few nurses to come and do daily checking on people who are house-bound due to illness or old age. In the next ten years or more, there will be a growing retirement community here and they will be in need of many services with English-speaking service providers. As for opportunities for working in a hospital pharmacy you should try it, although there are times in which employers prefer to hire Mexican employees, although it’s not a general rule, it’s more of a case by case basis. However, the first thing you will need to do is to validate your pharmacist degree in Mexico before Education authorities; here at YES we can help you do that. If you need further info. please contact me at adriana@yucatanyes.com

    3. TONI
      May 8, 2010

      Hi there, just wondering if an upholstery business (commercial and residential) will be a good option for Merida? Even if my husband and I are going to retire in Merida next year, we would like to have some source of income. We have been in the upholstery business for over 60 years. We don’t have any idea how much demand there is for that kind of business….any ideas?…tips, advice??

    4. Sabina Rowlison
      June 6, 2010

      I am looking to relocate and was wondering if you can point me in the right direction for administrative work. I understand spanish and speak some, still learning.

    5. June 10, 2010

      Hi Sabina, we could give you a list of people and companies from whom you could request a job. Please contact me at adriana@yucatanyes.com for further discussion. Thanks!

    6. Kay
      June 12, 2010

      Hi, What can you share with me about teaching in the Yucatan, Merida area? Is there a list of schools? Also what TESL schools are legitimate?

    7. Ann
      June 13, 2010

      Love your website, very informative. I have a BS degree in Business Admin and have lived in SE Asia for 17 years. I worked as a gourmet food and cheese specialist, importing mostly from the US and local suppliers. Are there any employment opportunities in this field?

    8. June 14, 2010

      Hi Kay, there is a growing demand of native speaking english teachers. If you are interested we could provide you with a list for sure, just write me to: adriana@yucatanyes.com About TESL schools i will have to do some research.

    9. June 14, 2010

      Hi Ann, thank you! There are few places in Merida that distribute the type of food you mention, but is a market that is increasing and a new place that offers new variety of products can be greatly appreciated among our community. Please read this article which we published today in our site: https://www.yucatanexpatriateservices.com/professional-services/starting-a-business-in-mexico.html, I’m sure it will give you a better idea of what is like to open a business in Mexico and maybe you could consider this option rather than be someone’s employee.

    10. Sharon
      June 27, 2010

      Hopefully moving to Merida in the next year and a half…and wondering what is the possibililty of working part time as an RN in a hospital or clinic. Would I need to apply for a different license? Thank you.

    11. Yucatan Expatriate Services
      June 29, 2010

      Hi Sharon, if you want to work in a hospital or clinic here you have to validate your current degree of studies before the Ministry of Education of Yucatan. For the procedure you have to submit the documents that prove your knowledge and the studies you took abroad (all documents must be apostilled and certified by notary public and translated to Spanish by certified translator):

      – Birth certificate.
      – Proper visa status (tourist, Fm3 or Fm2)
      – High school certificate.
      – Bacherlor’s degree.
      – Grades of your bachelor’s degree.
      – Study program of your bachelor’s degree, authorized by the educational institution and translated to Spanish.
      Hera at YES we can help you with all the procedure, if you need further information please write an e-mail to adriana@yucatanyes.com

    12. Ruben
      September 12, 2010

      My wife and I are in our 40’s, both of us are bilingual , we are in the banking industries, we would like to move to Merida, but would like to know, what is the salary for someone in the banking or hopistakity industry in Merida?

    13. September 13, 2010

      Ruben, it will depend on the position you occupy, it is a wide range between a manager of a branch and the executives that work directly with the people; please e-mail me at adriana@yucatanyes.com and tell me more about your professional experience and which position you are considering you will be apt for so I can give you an estimate of salaries.

    14. Zelmy
      October 13, 2010

      How hard would it be or if at all possible for an American citizen in the medical field to get a job in Merida?

    15. October 15, 2010

      Zelmy, it depends on the skills and knowledge each individual has. It is common that Mexicans are hired over non-Mexicans, but if he/she contributes in something that the Mexican person doesn not have, that is an added value subject to be appreciated. I think it all depends on each case, there are no general rules that apply to everyone.

    16. Shasha
      December 20, 2010

      What is the best way to travel to Merida from Port of Spain in Trinidad & Tobago West Indies inexpensively. Also is there a spiritual community in and/or around Merida that would value energy healing, massage therapy and other self development workshops?

      I am seriously considering relocating to Mexico and am looking for somewhere that is first of all safe, peaceful, tranquil and cost effective to live. I speak both english and enough spanish.

      Your response would be welcomed.

    17. December 29, 2010

      Shasha, I think the best would be for you to travel to Cancun and then take a bus to Merida. The bus takes 4 hours and costs approximately 30 usd.
      Regarding your other question, please contact Trudy Woodcock at Iluminado Tours (www.iluminado-tours.com), they may have something that could be interesting for you.
      Merida is a safe place to live, tranquil and peaceful I think so too, but it´s a city with almost 1 million inhabitants, so don´t expect a small village.
      About cost of living, Yucatan is one of the cheapest states in Mexico, in fact almost all southeastern Mexico is cheap compared to north and central Mexico.
      Good luck!

    18. Pat
      January 16, 2011

      Does anyone know what the possibilities are of being hired as a Clinical Social Worker? I am currently the Director of Mental Health at a drug rehab.

    19. January 19, 2011

      Pat, first of all, you would have to validate your studies with the Mexican Ministry of Education. After that it will depend on your skills and experience to be hired or not. Just so you know, it is possible that Mexicans can be chosen over you, either for the language or because we tend to support nationals having employment, unless of course you have certain characteristc that gives you an edge. If you have further questions please contact me at adriana@yucatanyes.com

    20. alicia
      January 20, 2011

      My soon to be husband (who is Mexican) and I are considering moving to Merida from the USA depending on employment opportunities. I know it will be harder for me to find work but is it impossible? I am a licensed cosmetologist and don’t know if I will be able to find work. Any advice would be greatly appreciated.

    21. February 3, 2011

      Alice, it is not impossible to find a job, specially for the kind of specialty you have, maybe you can contribute to the existing market with new techniques and skills. However, my recommendation will always be to start your own business. What I can tell you is that in Merida there is a boom of people wanting to look better or younger if possible and few good cosmetologists that can provide a quality service. If you need further information, please contact me: adriana@yucatanyes.com

    22. Deena
      February 4, 2011

      We are considering relocating to progreso. I am canadian and my husband is mexican. I am a reflexologist and zumba instructor. Is this something that would be of interest in this area? Now to start up my own business, what do I need to do? Any advice would be appreciated.

    23. February 9, 2011

      My family (husband, 6 yr & 2 yr) and I are seriously thinking of relocating to Merida. I’m a certified Massage Therapist and Energy worker in USA and my husband is a Graphic Designer. Is it possible to work in these fields (start our own businesses, perhaps) in Merida? We know little Spanish but are learning more every day. I’d really appreciate any advice. Thanks!

    24. Emma
      February 10, 2011

      i’m mexican but my husband is an american and we have 2 kids. I’m graduated of UAM in graphic design and I’ve been working in customer service (bilingual) for the past 7 years. We are thinking to relocated in Mexico (Merida or Cancun are one of our options) but we are clueless about what kind of job we can do. He is a truck driver instructor. Could you give me any advise? Thanks

    25. February 15, 2011

      Hello, I have a window tinting business in the us for 30 years. We tint homes, buildings, and autos. I was interested in some type of business, but can be versatile in my choosing. I have considered scooter/jetski etc. rentals. Any ideas for what would do well there in Progresso? Our plans are to move there in the next 1-2 years. Thanks Steve

    26. Yucatan Expatriate Services
      March 1, 2011

      It is not difficult to start your own business in Mexico. Of course, you need to get an accountant and lawyer to be sure you are doing things correctly. Massage therapy is gaining popularity here, but seems to be more popular with expats than with Mexicans. Graphic designers are more plentiful in Merida, but as a graphic designer, your husband could certainly work on the Internet and doesn’t necessarily have to work with local clients.

    27. Yucatan Expatriate Services
      March 1, 2011

      As a Mexican citizen, you have the same chance of finding a job as any other Mexican… it will depend on you, your training, the openings and who you know. We don’t know about Truck Driver Instructor, though your husband could consider starting his own related business. There are not many driving instruction companies here, though we dare say there is a growing need for that sort of thing.

    28. Yucatan Expatriate Services
      March 1, 2011

      It is fairly easy to start your own business here in Mexico. A jetski rental business in Progreso may be a good idea, but keep in mind that most of Progreso’s activity happens in the summer. Winters are fairly quiet, and during the winters the beaches are populated more with retired Snowbirds than with local young people.

    29. Olivia
      March 7, 2011

      I am an Australian Primary School Teacher looking to teach English in Merida. Any ideas on what other types of qualifications (Tesol/Tefl) needed if any? Any other advice that would point me in the right direction to get started would be great too…

    30. March 7, 2011

      Olivia, the ones you mention are fine and also you would need to have a working visa Fm3. Some schools also want that the teacher speaks some Spanish. If you have other questions or list of schools contact me to: adriana@yucatanyes.com

    31. Rachael
      May 4, 2011

      My dream is to move to merida and get away from the us. I have a love for the mexican culture, it’s people, and the mayan history. I have always done customer service work (mexican restaurants, and bartending) When i was in quintana roo a few months ago, I saw several young us expats bartending. I do not have the money to start my own business but need a source of income. Is this a real possibility? I appreciate your help

    32. May 5, 2011

      Rachel, it’s certainly a possibility but it isn’t necessarily easy. Those types of jobs are mostly only available in the high volume tourist areas, and only if you know someone. Mostly, Mexican employers try to hire Mexican workers, and there are plenty of Mexicans who are waiters and bartenders. We would suggest perhaps traveling to the area for a vacation and approaching owners and managers while you are onsite. Or, if you know someone who lives in the area, ask them for referrals. Sorry we can’t be more helpful in this regard… this is how we understand the situation, but there are always exceptions to the rule.

    33. Pam
      June 8, 2011

      My husband (16 years in manufacturing with a Fortune 500 company & builds/repairs computers for fun) and I (Masters degree in Archaology never used for work, 14 years as a paralegal, 6 years as a Customer Service Manager) are moving to Merida in May 2012 with our 7 yr old son. Thinking of starting a computer repair/network building business. Is there such a market? Neither of us speak Spanish (yet!) so maybe the expat community could use a PC repair place with gringos? Thanks!

    34. June 14, 2011

      Pam, there are many businesses that repair computers here, however, your advantage could be the fact that you and your husband speak English and the expat community could be interested in hiring you because of that, rather than dealing with the language barrier.

    35. Dallas
      September 5, 2011

      Hi, I’m 16 living in Merida, Yucatan. My parents are missionaries here. We have our FM3’s and I would like to start saving for a car, and my friend thinks he can get a job for me. Is it legal for me to get a job here in Mexico as a US citizen?

    36. September 9, 2011

      Dallas, in Mexico 16 year olds can work but it is restricted to some types of work, for example: that the amount of hours is less than the regular, that do not work at night, that do not work in risky places, etc.; if you find a job that goes accordingly to what the Mexican Labor Law says, you will be able to obtain also your FM3 for working purposes and that is all you need to be legal for Mexican laws to start working. If you need additional information please contact me to adriana@yucatanyes.com

    37. debbie
      October 23, 2011

      I am a Lab technologist in alberta with 30 years experience in a microbiology lab. Would I be able to work in a lab in Merida?

    38. Yucatan Expatriate Services
      October 24, 2011

      Can you speak Spanish?

    39. debbie
      October 24, 2011

      no, can’t speak spanish…but willing to learn…most of microbiology is greek!

    40. Yucatan Expatriate Services
      October 25, 2011

      Debbie, there are a few labs here. But like most professions in Mexico, and certainly in the Yucatan, the pay levels for similar jobs are a fraction of what you are making in Canada or the USA. Also, there are plenty of Mexicans able and willing to fill those jobs. We cannot in all honesty tell people that they can find jobs here in their professions, because honestly, its very difficult if not impossible. What you CAN do easily is be an entrepreneur… find a niche and fill it! There are opportunities everywhere, either to fill a niche in the local economy or in the growing expat retiree micro-economy. Hope that helps!

    41. debbie
      October 26, 2011

      Thanks so much for the info

    42. Jen
      November 11, 2011

      Hello, I have been in the travel industry for about 11 years. I worked with a timeshare exchange company for eight years and was a travel agent/tour guide for three years. I have travelled throughout Mexico but my favorite place was Merida with Guadalajara as a close second. Are there many opportunities for a Canadian in the tourism feild? Any information would be appreciated.
      Thank you.

    43. November 14, 2011

      Jen, there is a growing expat community in Merida from the US and Canada and they are happy to find service providers that speak their language so this may represent an opportunity for you; you may want to come and do some sort of market study (in which we could help you) so you could realize which areas of the tourism field have not been exploited yet so you could start your own business. Good luck!

    44. Amy
      December 17, 2011

      Hi, I moved to Merida about 6 months ago with my husband (who is mexican). I was a financial analyst in the US, but don’t expect to find a similar job here. I was thinking of starting a business that caters to expats. Do you have any suggestions of what that community might need?

    45. December 20, 2011

      Amy, we imagine that figuring out what the expat community might need here is a subject that will require some research. We can suggest that you participate in some forums on http://www.yolisto.com to get to know some people in the community. Also, you might consider reading through the Yucatan Living website (www.yucatanliving.com) to see what people are doing already. We do not have any specific business ideas, however. Good luck and let us know if we can help you with anything else.

    46. Todd
      December 25, 2011

      Hi, I am a Canadian citizen, along with with my wife and 2 children. We have been vacationing to Mexico for the last couple of years and absolutely love your country, culture and people. It is our dream to live in the Yucatan. I have 20 plus years in the building industry and have my own renovation company. I was wondering how difficult it would be to obtain employment in Mexico in this field? Also, are there any possibilities in getting in with the resorts anywhere in the Yucatan in their maintenance departments?

    47. December 26, 2011

      Todd, there is no such thing as a definitive answer to your questions; if you have the expertise in that area and you can prove you can provide added value to the companies, they may be interested in hiring you. This is something you will have to experience with interviews and sending your CV to different companies. As we say, in our experience, it´s better for an expat to start their own business rather to expect to be hired by a local company because local companies will favor Mexican people, unless, you have something of value to offer them. Good luck!

    48. Sergio
      January 31, 2012

      I am a diesel tech i work on trucks but also do auto work i am certified i am billingual would it be difficult to find a job their?

    49. February 2, 2012

      Sergio, being billingual gives you better chances of getting a job in Mexico of course. However, do not expect to be hired by somebody, instead plan to be an entrepreneur and open your own business, it will give you an edge to be able to assist both English and Spanish speakers.

    50. Orval Simon-Bower
      March 11, 2012

      Hello –

      I am a retiring teacher of deaf student in Florida. Are there any schools for deaf students in Merida? Do they use American Sign Language do you know? I can also teach History or English. Are there any American Schools in Merida or nearby that teach children in English? Are there any schools that teach English to Mexican adults? Yo lo tengo un poquito Espanol pero no mucho. Muchas gracias.

    51. March 14, 2012

      Orval, unfortunately we do not know of schools for deaf students in Merida; there are associations that help people who cannot hear though. About your other questions, yes there are schools in Merida that teach children in English, not many, around 5; and yes there are also schools that teach English to Mexican adults. If you need further information, please contact me through my e-mail: adriana@yucatanyes.com

    52. Shell
      March 24, 2012

      I am considering relocating from the United States to The Yucatan Peninsula. I have traveled extensively in Playa Del Carmen, Tulum, Paamul area. I would like to make this area my permanent home. I am a certified Reflexology Practitioner. I would prefer to start my own business and wonder if you could guide me in the proper steps. Thank you.

    53. Claude speliers
      March 27, 2012

      Would you please so kind to inform me if Merida has any buisness of renting Bucket trucks for maintenance? They are trucks with go 14 meters high with one person for electricity poles or tree leeves or announcements to be placed.

    54. Claude speliers
      March 27, 2012

      My cousin wants to move to Merida and his question is if there would be any opportunity to start a seafood restaurant or a Belgian Coffeeshop with waffles and crepes etc.

    55. Yucatan Expatriate Services
      April 11, 2012

      Claude, we have no idea if any business idea will be successful here. We are here to facilitate opening a business, if that is what you need. To know whether it will be successful or not, we feel you must spend time here and do your own research. Good luck!

    56. Yucatan Expatriate Services
      April 11, 2012

      Again, we have no idea if any business idea will be successful here. We do know that many services in the area, like CFE, have their own bucket trucks. We are here to facilitate opening a business, if that is what you need.

    57. Yucatan Expatriate Services
      April 11, 2012

      We can help you start a business and guide you in the proper steps. We provide this service for a small fee. Give us a call or email us at info@yucatanyes.com.

    58. Yucatan Expatriate Services
      April 11, 2012

      Orval, there are MANY schools in Merida that teach English to both children and adults. In fact, all the schools listed here that teach Spanish, also teach English. Contacting them would be a good place to start:


    59. Yucatan Expatriate Services
      April 11, 2012

      Claude, we have no idea if these businesses would work here for your cousin. You must come to Merida and do your own research. Good luck!

    60. Marcos
      April 12, 2012

      Adriana, I immigrated to the United States when I was 15, I am 37 now, I speak English like a native and I also speak Spanish as a native of course. I have a bachelors degree in Spanish, a bachelors degree in computer science, and a masters degree in School Administration. I have extensive experience in computer programming and Management Information Systems as well as in U.S Immigration law and U.S Income taxes and in the restaurant business. Do you think I could be hired in Yucatan as either an English teacher (I taught ESL in the U.S as well as Spanish) or even go into MIS, or do you think my skills could help me better if I open my own business? I am planning on returning to Mexico next year… Muchisimas gracias….

    61. April 12, 2012

      Marcos, you could be hired as an English teacher here but we think it´d be better for you to start your own business, that way you´d be able to obtain more income.

    62. Leo
      July 17, 2012

      Hello there! I´m moving to Mérida in october, and will try to stay as long as possible since my girlfriend lives there. I´m hoping to find a job that will allow me to do so, maybe as a english teacher in one of the many schools. Do you think that I have any chance finding such a job, even without being native American/English?
      I talk spanish and english fluently, but I´m from Sweden.

    63. Ed
      July 23, 2012

      Adriana, I am planning on relocating to Merida in the next 6-8 months (semi-retire). I am a registered nurse with an associate degree and 13 years of home health experience as both a director of nursing and administrator. Can I provide services as a private contract home nurse or set up a private home health service? I understand there are many retirees and I wonder if this is a service that would be needed.

    64. July 25, 2012

      Leo, if you can speak English and/or Spanish fluently, we don´t think it´ll be an issue that you are not native American/English. It will depend on the type of profile the schools are looking for though. You should get in touch with them and send your CV. If you need help to make contact just let us know so we can assist you!

    65. July 25, 2012

      Ed, I think it will be very much appreciated by the community to count with the type of service you provide. Nevertheless, you will have to validate your nursing studies before the Ministry of Education so you can get the proper visa status to perform your services.

    66. Adelin Speliers
      July 25, 2012

      Hola Adriana
      Soy de Bélgica pero vivo desde 30 años en México Cuernavaca soy residente Mexicano
      Tendría alguna posibilidad de ensenar clases de
      Ingles ,Francés ,hablo Español casi perfecto

    67. Adelin Speliers
      July 25, 2012

      Hola Adriana
      Tambien quisiera saber si un negocio de
      Comida corrida seria favorable estilo Europeo para llevar en Merida o desayunos con crepes y waffles omlettes ETC
      Te agradezco antemano

    68. July 25, 2012

      Hi Adelin, I cannot say how language schools are in Cuernavaca since we are located in Merida; however if you are referring to giving classes in Merida, I don´t see why not, you should contact the local schools here and send them your CV, and they will decide if you have the experience and/or skills they need. Regarding the crepes and waffles business, it´s hard to tell whether or not you will succeed, it all depends on how attractive you make it to others and of course the quality, taste and prices of your products. Good luck if you decide to do it!

    69. Leo
      July 25, 2012

      Thank you very much Adriana! Maybe I will need some help further on, so it´s great to know that there is people like you giving good advices! Do you have a working-visa in México? I plan to arrive with a normal tourist visa and find a job so I can get a working visa… Maybe it´s not that simple as I hope?
      Greetings from the summer up north in Sweden!

    70. July 27, 2012

      You´re welcome Leo!. Before applying for the working visa, you will need to get a letter with a job offer; with that letter -plus other documents- you will be able to apply for the visa.

    71. Janet
      October 1, 2012

      Hi Adriana, I do transcription (general, medical and legal) in English. Would I be able to work for either an American or Mexican company that needs English speaking transcriptionists?

    72. October 2, 2012

      Janet, yes you would be able, as long as you have the visa that allows you to do so.

    73. Nancy
      October 13, 2012

      I am a USA citizen looking to start a business in Merida related to Computers Technology, Networking, Information Systems and Computer Systems Security however don’t know if this will be a good business for the area. What are the requirements to start a business in Merida? What type of Visa would I need to reach the residency status?

    74. October 14, 2012

      Nancy, an IT business is always welcome, especially if you can provide it in English. We are sure expats will be glad to communicate in their own language with somebody that can fix their computers. Requirements to start a business in Merida depend if you want to set up a corporation or to be an individual with entrepreneurial activities. Under the current Immigration rules you could apply for an FM2 and after 5 years, you could become a permanent resident. However Immigration rules are changing now and you will have to apply for a temporary resident visa and after 4 years you will be able to become a permanent resident (new rules will come into effect November 12th 2012).

    75. Alex C.
      April 9, 2013


      I played professional baseball in Merida in 2010 and 11. I am looking to return to Merida to try and play once again. I am a recent graduate from a military academy and have a bachelor’s in criminal justice. Do you know if it is possible to find jobs in the criminal justice sector in Merida? Or anything in that field?

      Thank you


    76. April 10, 2013

      Alex, in order to work for the criminal justice sector in Mexico, first you will need to validate your studies taken abroad before the Ministry of Education in Mexico.

    77. Heidi
      April 20, 2013

      I am traveling to the Yukatan region of mexico dec 1st 2013 to stay until aprit 1st 2014. i want to find employment working in spas or hotels,clinic maybe doing massage.how would i find out information on this? thank you

    78. April 24, 2013

      Heidi, I suggest you to upload your information in the “Jobs in Yucatan” section of the website Yucatan Living: http://www.yucatanliving.com/category/jobsyucatan. Good luck!

    79. Nancy
      April 24, 2013

      I am bilingual (Spanish and English). I would like to move to Yucatan, but would like to know the opportunities to start a Security Information Systems business or find jobs in the similar line of work. Do you have any information to share or places to apply for jobs in Information Technology or Information System Security jobs in Yucatan, Riviera Maya, Playa del Carmen, or Merida?

    80. Nancy
      April 24, 2013

      What do I need for a Visa to be able to live and work in Mexico? Any recommendations?

    81. April 26, 2013

      Nancy, we cannot provide you with information regarding Riviera Maya or Playa del Carmen since we are based in the State of Yucatan and those areas are in the State of Quintana Roo; regarding Merida, I suggest you to check the “Jobs in Yucatan” section of Yucatan Living: http://www.yucatanliving.com/category/jobsyucatan. Also you may want to check the local newspaper: http://www.avisoseconomicos.com.mx/empleos/ and these agencies: http://www.occ.com.mx; http://www.adecco.com.mx; http://www.manpower.com.mx. Good luck!

    82. April 26, 2013

      Nancy, you´d need to get a temporary resident visa with a letter from the company offering you the job so that Immigration authorities can grant it to you. If you need further information, please contact us to info@yucatanyes.com

    83. Carl
      June 13, 2013

      Good afternoon, i am a Fire fighter paramedic in florida for the past 10yrs. I am very interested in becoming a paramedic in some form in mexico. Not sure what jobs exist in mexico for someone with my training. Im looking for something maybe within a hospital or hotel tourist clinic. I am not fluent in spanish but am currently studying. What are my options, how do i go about getting or finding employment

    84. June 20, 2013

      Carl, you can upload your information in the “Jobs in Yucatan” section of Yucatan Living´s website: http://www.yucatanliving.com/category/jobsyucatan. Good luck!

    85. Jody
      August 7, 2013

      Good morning! I’ve been a Recruiter in the US for more than 18 years and I’m very ready to begin the next phase of my life. With more than 18 years of sales experience, I think I would make a wonderful real estate agent. I have just begun reaching out to various agencies in the area and would love any advice you can give me in regards to finding a great opportunity.

      Additionally, do you have any recommendations for careers in the area that would be a good fit with my sales background? With a little bit of brushing up, my Spanish is not too shabby!

    86. Yucatan Expatriate Services
      August 7, 2013

      Jody, we suggest you to upload your carreer information in Yucatan Living´s Jobs in Yucatan section: http://www.yucatanliving.com/category/jobsyucatan. Good luck!

    87. Rachel
      October 2, 2013

      Thank you for all this helpful information and answering personal questions.

      I’m a second year nursing student and will receive my associates, NOT a bachelor’s, in December 2013. My fiancee will be starting a new job in Mérida this month, my son and I plan to meet him in the spring after I test for my license. I’m also a licensed EMT-basic. My Spanish is limited, I’m learning.

      Question is, are you aware of anyone who can help me research my options? Must I have a BSN (or will my ADN be acceptable) to work in México, if so I’d like to finish it there and work as an EMT during the process. Are there jobs for native English speaking nurses?

    88. Yucatan Expatriate Services
      October 3, 2013

      Rachel, in order to work in Yucatán you may have to validate your studies before the Ministry of Education (this is in case your employer requests it); it is not a matter of whether is a BSN or a ADN, but that your study plan matches closely the study plan of such carreer in Yucatan. We are pretty sure you will be able to find a job as a nurse within the expat community. Good luck! Feel free to contact us when you will be in Merida if you need our assistance!

    89. Michele
      November 6, 2013

      Planning to relocate with family within the next two years but planning to purchase property within the year. We are currently learning Spanish. I am researching grant opportunities for women business owners to help start my internet business here in the states.
      Are there any incentives from your government or other agencies to help start up for new businesses in Mexico?
      I am a registered Dietitian and a chef. I am currently starting an online nutrition counseling service. My goal is to start a nutrition/culinary education services in Merida and the surrounding area that would also include hiring and training personal chefs.
      Other than confirming my credentials with the proper regulatory agency (can this be done from the states?), getting a highly recommended lawyer, accountant, and realtor…who else should I have on my team to get things rolling?
      I am also considering getting my teaching certification as well, as long as certifications are documented this would open my opportunities to teaching correct?

      Thank you!!

    90. Yucatan Expatriate Services
      November 6, 2013

      Michele, we think you need a one-stop place that can help you fulfill your needs and we think YES can be that place for you, here we can provide you with referrals of reputable and trustworthy lawyers, accountants, realtors and so much more. Yes please get your teaching certifications and other relevant credentials; it is very important that you also get the apostille for such documents, this will be necessary to get a permit to work before Immigration authorities. Please feel free to contact us at our e-mail address if you have further questions: info@yucatanyes.com

    91. Michelle Vance
      December 27, 2013

      My husband and I are would like to relocate somewhere south of Cancun. I have an administrative background and he is an auctioneer. We both have construction backgrounds as well. Neither of us speak spanish but are willing and are going to start learning. Any help you can forward would be most appreciated.

    92. Yucatan Expatriate Services
      December 27, 2013

      Michelle, unfortunately since we are based in the State of Yucatan and where you want to relocate is the State of Quintana Roo, we do not have the kind information you are looking for. We apologize and wish you good luck in your research!

    93. Christie Garcia
      February 19, 2014

      I am a registered nurse in Utah. I do not speak Spanish fluently. Are there any nursing jobs available there

    94. Yucatan Expatriate Services
      February 21, 2014

      Christie, we believe there are nursing jobs available, but it´d be important that you improve your Spanish skills and that you validate your nursing studies before the Ministry of Education.

    95. Tara Akinslie
      February 24, 2014

      Me and my husband are planning to relocate to Mexico and start a business there and would like to know the average rent on commercial property in Mexico for businesses such as retail store or restaurant. What is an average start up cost for a business such as these in Mexico and best locations in Mexico for these type of businesses?

    96. Yucatan Expatriate Services
      February 24, 2014

      Tara, Mexico as a country is very big and your questions have many possible answers. We could give you information about the State of Yucatan, which is where we are based. If you need information about Yucatan, please contact us at info@yucatanyes.com. Thank you.

    97. Robby
      May 31, 2014

      I’m looking for a job in Merida. My native language is Dutch but also speak English, Spanish, German, french an knowledge of Italian. I’ve experience as a Customer Service agent, also worked several years in the Tourism Industrie. As I live in Belgium, it’s hard to find some good companies to send my CV. Can you help me out with this? Thanks in advance!!

    98. Yucatan Expatriate Services
      June 2, 2014

      Robby, try uploading your information in Yucatan Living´s “Jobs in Yucatan” section http://www.yucatanliving.com/category/jobsyucatan or perhaps you could do the same in some of the most recognized HR national companies´websites such as: “Manpower” http://www.manpower.com.mx; “OCC” http://www.occ.com.mx and “Adecco” http://www.adecco.com.mx

    99. Tom Henderson
      June 21, 2014

      Hello, I am a maintenance engineer, with electrical qualifications. I can speak and understand Spanish quite well.
      I would like to relocate to Merida with my wife, who is Mexican, from UK.
      Is there a local employment agency that I could register with in the hop of finding suitable employment please?

    100. Mrs. G
      June 28, 2014

      I am looking to relocate possibly by the end of 2014, and I was wondering if you can point me in the right direction for administrative work. I ‘m a fluent bilingual and speak, read and write very well in Spanish.

    101. June 30, 2014

      Tom, you could post your information in these websites:

      – Adecco: http://www.adecco.com.mx
      – Manpower: http://www.manpower.com.mx
      – OCC: http://www.occ.com.mx

      They are reputable human resources companies globally, these websites are for Mexico.

      You could also look for jobs in the “Avisos Económicos” section of the local newspaper: http://www.yucatan.com.mx

      Good luck!

    102. Yucatan Expatriate Services
      June 30, 2014

      Mrs. G, please look at the recent response to Tom, you could upload your information in any of those websites and look for available positions as well.

    103. March 12, 2015

      I am a Real Estate Agent in the states. How difficult is it to work in real estate sales in this area, and what would the requirements be for me there?

    104. Yucatan Expatriate Services
      March 12, 2015

      Camil, there are American Real Estate agents who have set up businesses here and succeded, especially for dealing with the expatriate market. What you would need to do is to get the proper visas status to set up your business in Yucatan, that is temporary resident card with a work permit. You must start the process at a Mexican Consulate abroad and then come to Yucatan to finish it.

    105. Stephanie
      March 19, 2015

      Hello! I am a Nurse Practitioner, Personal Trainer, Certified Nutritional Consultant, Herbalist, and Aromatherapist from the USA. I am interested in moving to the Yucatan and opening up a Wellness Spa Clinic that would focus on IV vitamin therapy, IPT, and orthomolecular medicine. I’ve been having trouble finding a nurse practitioner’s scope of practice for Mexico. I would like to know if I’m able to prescribe medications and IV vitamins, as I am in the United States? I would also like to know if there are any laws about opening up a Wellness Spa Clinic in Mexico? Thank you!

    106. Daymi
      March 26, 2015

      My husband and I are looking to relocate near Merida. He is a Mexican citizen and I am a U.S. citizen. I am intermediate bilingual (Spanish/English) and have years of experience in the administrative field (currently an office administrator). Are there any jobs in the area that would hire a bilingual person such as myself without a college degree in the field? I do have an Associate of Applied Science, but not a Bachelor degree; I am lacking only 15 credits. My husband would also like to start a ranching business in the area and would like to know if there is any help for citizens in starting a business in the area (grants or loans)?

    107. Yucatan Expatriate Services
      March 30, 2015

      Stephanie, you would need to validate your studies before the Ministry of Education of Yucatan in order to legally prescribe medicines. Also there are observations to follow issued by the Ministry of Health of Yucatan to open and operate a Clinic here in our state. You could find some information online, but the best would be that you come here and have meetings/interviews with the related parties.

    108. Yucatan Expatriate Services
      March 30, 2015

      Daymi, even though being bilingual will help you finding a job, it is more likely that jobs are given to Mexican nationals unless you have any type of skill or advantage over the other applicants. It´d be easier if you started your own business. As for your husband, yes there are incentives (either grants or loans) to start businesses related to ranchs. It´d be a matter of getting to talk to the appropriate people at the Government offices.

    109. Karen
      November 5, 2015

      Hello – I am a fully certified ESL Teacher and was wondering if you could direct me to a school that may need a full-time teacher. I teach Business English, TOEFL, IELTS, and all other types of English related to Academic Preparation.
      Thank you very much for your help.

    110. Yucatan Expatriate Services
      November 19, 2015

      Karen, we do not know exactly which school is looking for full-time teachers currently, but we could provide you with a general list of schools in Merida. Please contact us at info@yucatanyes.com

    111. Cara
      April 18, 2016


      I am a bachelor’s degree educated Registered Nurse who has worked in Executive Management for 6 years for various levels of care in the U.S. including Nursing Homes and currently Assisted Living. I am looking to relocate to the Tulum area and was wondering if there was a need for Director or CEO level positions in the healthcare field. If so, would you be able to assist? Thank you!

    112. Yucatan Expatriate Services
      April 18, 2016

      Cara, unfortunately we cannot help you since we are based in the State of Yucatán and provide most of our services here, whereas Tulum is in the State of Quintana Roo. Good luck finding the information you are looking for!

    113. Lori
      May 5, 2016

      Sorry I had to add the correct email.
      I am looking to relocate to Merida from the United States. Both me and my wife have experience in cable call centers customer service/billing. She also has experience working in homes for developmental disabled adults. Would we be able to find work in those fields? Where could I find information on what I need to know to relocate from the United States? I would eventually like to have dual citizenship is that possible?

    114. Yucatan Expatriate Services
      May 11, 2016

      Lori, it is hard to say if you will find a job in Merida. I could tell you itd ‘be easier that your wife finds a job working in homes for disabled adults, specially since she speaks English it´d be an advantage for her. You could check human resources websites and read if jobs like the ones you are looking for are listed in the area (www.occ.com.mx, http://www.manpower.com.mx, http://www.adecco.com.mx); you could also check in this job listing section of Yucatán Living: http://www.yucatanliving.com/jobsyucatan. About dual citizenship, you could get it after living in Mexico with 5 years of temporary/permanent residency and providing you spend most of your time in the country. Regarding information of what you need to know to relocate from the US, you can use us as your source of information! Please contact us at info@yucatanyes.com for the questions you may have.

    115. Wayne
      July 12, 2016

      My name is wayne, I live in Belize. I have a vast amount of experience in Managing call centeres and small to medium size businesses. Im currently a business owner but im looking for a new experience. I am Fluent in English and Spanish.

    116. Yucatan Expatriate Services
      July 15, 2016

      Wayne, thank you. Please send us your résumé to info@yucatanyes.com

    117. katie
      July 29, 2016

      Hi i currently livr in Merida and have experience in many industries such as customer service, hotels, retail and I have an adecuate background in computers. I am also fluent in both English and Spanish. I am looking for any type of work I have a tourist visa.

    118. Yucatan Expatriate Services
      August 1, 2016

      Katie, first you would need to get a temporary resident card with a work permit. For that, you need a job offer from a Mexican business. On a tourist visa you are not allowed to work in Mexico. You could start looking for job opportunities here: http://www.yucatanliving.com/jobsyucatan

    119. Isabella
      August 17, 2016

      Hello, I am wondering if there is any companies in Merida that work in the Transcription Business, Medical, Legal or general transcription. Thank you.

    120. Yucatan Expatriate Services
      August 24, 2016

      Isabella, we do not know, but we’ll leave this comment in case someone who reads us knows.

    121. Howard Dumke
      October 4, 2016

      Hi Adriana I am Registered Nurse who is retiring soon and love the Yucatan area. I would like to know what documents from the US I need to get a license in Mexico to supplement my income. Right now I am taking a Spanish course but my not be as fluent when I get there.

    122. Yucatan Expatriate Services
      October 6, 2016

      Howard, you will need to validate your Nursing degree before the Ministry of Education in Yucatán. These documents are:
      – Birth certificate with the apostille stamp.
      – Temporary or permanent residency.
      – High school´s diploma with the apostille stamp and translated into Spanish by certified translator.
      – High school´s certificate where all your grades are stated with the apostille stamp and translated into Spanish by certified translator.
      – Bachelor´s degree diploma with the apostille stamp and translated into Spanish by certified translator.
      – Bachelor´s degree certificate where all your grades are stated with the apostille stamp and translated into Spanish by certified translator.
      – Study plan or program with the stamp or head letter of the Institution and simple translation (not necessary to be done by certified translator). This information can be downloaded from the Institutions´ web site.

    123. Manuel Lugo
      November 23, 2017

      Adriana, I am a board certified Pediatrician and went to medical school in the US. My parents immigrated from Mexico and I was born in the US. My spanish is pretty good but not 100% perfect. Do you know if it is unheard of for a physician from the US working in Merida? Also, would it be easier if I obtained my Mexican citizenship since my mother is still alive and was born in Mexico? Thanks in advance for any help you can offer.

    124. Yucatan Expatriate Services
      November 24, 2017

      Manuel, it is not common but that does not mean you could not do it; a good Pediatrician would always be welcomed. As for the Mexican citizenship question, yes, we believe it would be beneficial to you.

    125. Kashif Khan
      February 10, 2018

      Hi there!
      I am planning to move to Mexico in 2 months for employment purposes. I was wondering if you could guide me with the right organizations or companies for job hunting. I would appreciate that….

    126. Yucatan Expatriate Services
      February 10, 2018
    127. Dennise
      May 14, 2018

      Good afternoon. I am currently working as a paralegal at a law firm in the US (born). My husband is originally from Mexico and does renovations, demolition, etc. We also have a 3 year old daughter in preschool. What kind of jobs would we be looking at if we were to relocate in the near future to Yucatan or Hidalgo (or nearby)? What work would you recommend if not similar to what we currently do? Any online jobs, working from home available — how is the wifi connection? Could I work remotely from home? Where in Yucatan or Hidalgo (or nearby) would we find a well-respected Christian Church? thank you!

    128. Yucatan Expatriate Services
      May 15, 2018

      Dennise, since we are in Yucatán (southeastern Mexico) we can talk about opportunities here but not in Hidalgo (central Mexico). Since your husband is Mexican and speaks Spanish it would be easier for him to find a job, rather than you. Most expats working in Yucatán, do so by themselves, they have open their own businesses, or work online from home (the wifi connection is very good). About your last question, there are Christian Churches in Merida, capital city of the State of Yucatán. If you need further information for your relocation if you decide to move to Yucatán, you can write us here: info@yucatanyes.com

    129. Chris
      November 4, 2020

      Hello, thank you for hosting such a helpful site. My wife and I (in our 40’s) are looking to move to the Merida area. I’m currently a music teacher who would like to find a teaching job (if possible) or similar employment. How would I go about starting the search?

      Thank you

    130. Yucatan Expatriate Services
      November 5, 2020

      Chris, thank you! Try searching for opportunities or ideas in these websites: http://www.meridaenglishlibrary.com and http://www.yucatanliving.com. Good luck!

    131. Vicki Speagle
      March 27, 2023

      My husband and I are in our 60’s we are seriously thinking of living around Playa Del Carmen maybe El Cielo, we have a 29 year old son that has a degree in Mass Communications from USF and has been teaching for 3 years now, He knows the money will not be good, does anyone have any advise about him getting a private school teaching position? He lives with us now in Florida and would really like to have a positive experience in teaching. He taught at a Private Christian school in Tampa that was all Latin that was his calling.

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