Featured Posts

  • Mexican Financial Stereotypes

    The world over has stereotypical ideas about Mexico and particularly about Mexico's financial situation. Richard Fisher, President and CEO of the Federal Reserve in Dallas, thinks it ...

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  • Employment in Mexico

    Employment law in Mexico has its own set of rules and regulations that must be followed, whether you are a corporation, a small business or running a ...

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  • IVA Increase and Facturas

    On January 1, 2010, the amount of Mexico's Value Added Tax, called IVA, increased by one percent. Here's a quick take on how corporations should deal with ...

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  • Taxation in Mexico

    Taxes are confusing enough in your own country, let alone in a foreign country. Add to that the language difference, and you've got a recipe for confusion. ...

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  • Hiring and Firing Employees

    Employment law in Mexico has a set of rules you may not be familiar with if you previously ran a business in the USA or Canada. This ...

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    Expatriate Guides

    Yucatan Living Resource Guide

    Guide To Yucatan Living

    Our FREE full color resource guide for Merida, Mexico is a handy directory of the products and services most expats need when they arrive here. This new guide includes emergency phone numbers and contact information for everything from architects to Spanish schools, antiques to pharmacies, medical facilities to public and private schools for your children. Interested in joining a church or volunteering your time to a non-profit organization? They’re listed here. If your business needs an accountant or your pet needs a vet, take a look inside our guide. Included are beautiful photographs of the Yucatan, articles from YucatanLiving.com and more. You can get a hard copy in Merida or download this PDF. 108 pages. Last Updated on February 1, 2013.

    Price: Free!


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