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    Government Sponsored Expat Survey

    Through its department, SIDIFEY (which stands for Sistema para el Financimiento del Desarollo del Estado de Yucatan), the State of Yucatan has committed a good amount of time and money to determine what are looking for when they move to the Yucatan. They also want to know what we like about Merida and the Yucatan, what kinds of services we might expect and desire here in the future, and what things might attract future expatriates to this area.

    To further that understanding, they are working with Margaret Wylde of ProMatura Consulting in Mississippi. Margaret’s practice “is a full-service market research and advisory firm specializing in 50+ consumers and their housing, services, consumer products, customer service, marketing, and sales.” Ms. Wylde conducted numerous focus groups at the end of 2010 and spoke with many of the expatriates who already have moved to and invested in this area. This survey is one of her final venues for taking input from current, future and hopeful residents of Merida and the surrounding areas. In the near future, she will tabulate the results from all her activities and present her findings to the SIDIFEY executives.

    ProMatura has prepared a short survey that asks questions pertaining to your life here in the Yucatan and your plans for the future. Please click on the link below and take ten minutes to take the survey. The survey is anonymous and your individual answers are confidential. The results of the surveys will be compiled and presented to the Yucatan state authorities. We also plan to publish a summary of the results here. Your answers to these survey questions will help shape the future of the state of Yucatan.

    Please take this survey!! We have heard rumors that people are upset by the questions being asked in the survey and offended by the inferences that the questions present… that people moving to Merida might want to live in assisted living communities, or that they might like playing golf. The questions are just that: Questions. There are plenty of places to elaborate on your opinions and desires, so we encourage you to do that. This is YOUR CHANCE to tell the government of the Yucatan what you think, what you want and what the city can do to attract your attention, your residence and your investment in the future.

    CLICK HERE to take the SURVEY

    Thank you for your participation!

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